End all ties to Communist China now or pay the consequences later
By William O. Lipinski
At all times in dealing with the Chinese communist we must remember, it is an anti-democratic, totalitarian, human rights abusing, ideologically communist state.
A brutal, barbarian regime totally committed to world domination.
A dictatorship that not long ago massacred its own citizens in Tiananmen Square.
There are a number of arrows in the communist quivers, the one I will speak about today is spying. they have used this one very effectively against us, that is spelled United States.
One of the reasons they have been so successful with their spying is because our government has chosen to ignore these attacks.
Both political parties have been guilty. By ignoring China’s spying I believe they have put our national security at risk. Some have even called it treason.
I believe our political leaders have chosen this course of action to protect the countless American corporations doing business in China. And to keep the voters happy with inexpensive goods .
I have more faith in our corporations and citizens to do the right thing, once they were informed of the true situation.
Following are some of the ways China is spying on our Land of Liberty and Fortress of Freedom. Communist China has established a very large significance spying operation in Cuba only 90 miles from Florida.
The state of Florida is home to a very high concentration of our extremely secretive and advanced military and space facilities and weapons. China’s spying on these enormously important facilities provides China with important knowledge about what new weapons our Land of the Free and Home of the Brave have been developing and how we train and plan for combat.
Chinese investors have purchase over 400,000 acres of American agricultural land, placing our food supply in some danger. These purchases also just happened to be right next too many of our military installations.
China’s spying tactics are versatile. They also use Sky Balloons like the one we shut down earlier this year, disappointingly there have been a number of the others we have chosen to ignore.
China places their citizens in America companies doing business in America and in China. The first duty of these Chinese citizens is to report back to the Chinese Communist Party what they are learning and, many of these American businesses have very significant military contracts.
Quite often American manufacturing companies in China are forced to take on Chinese partners, if they want to stay in business.
This of course is another excellent example of the Chinese being placed in a perfect position to learn many of the secrets of American companies, thereby opening the American companies capabilities to the Chinese Communist Party.
China is permitted to donate millions of dollars to American universities, creating amongst the faculty and the administrators a very favorable impression.
This allows universities to freely exchange new ideas with the Chinese and grant the Chinese very early access with what is going on in economics, culture, military development, morals, technology development, and the deep divisions within our land of the Pilgrims pride, which they can exploit to our detriment and to their benefit.
This money often grants China with American universities research partnerships these partnerships often times have military implications.
China sends over 350,000 students each year to American universities, and we permit them to establish mainland Chinese only cubs, these clubs police the conduct and loyalty of these Chinese students, and if any of them stray from the Communist Party line they our reported back to Beijing and it ends their education in our Land of Freedom and Opportunity .
I also believe It probably ends their education back in China .
Our universities love these Chinese students because they pay full tuition, no scholarship money is taken from university, thereby allowing universities to use that money for whatever purpose they decide is beneficial to the university. Many of these 350,000 students spy for the Chinese Communist Party
It is very easy to steal intellectual property and military secrets when you have such a enormous spy network operating in our country just about totally unabated
If we are going to win this struggle with China, we must put a stop to it all NOW. if we don’t we will pay a very severe price later.
(William Oliver Lipinski is a former U.S. Representative from the State of Illinois. He served as the Democratic Committeeman from the Chicago 23rd Ward from 1975 and as Alderman of the Ward until he was elected to the Congress in 1982. Lipinski writes the “Right from the Middle” Column twice each month. Email him at BillLipinski@hotmail.com.)
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