Divided America is a long way from healing and unity
Despite the sincere words of President Joe Biden, it is doubtful he will be able to unite America and bring the two asides, pro-Trump and pro-Biden, together. The division isn’t caused by the Biden-Trump battle but rather by the racism and bigotry of an elitist and hypocritical news media. They fuel the divide which benefits their industry, a vicious conflict they want to help delay their economic collapse
By Ray Hanania
Former Vice President Joe Biden will become the 46th President of the United States Wednesday surrounded by an army of armed national guard units brought in from around the country including Illinois.
President Donald Trump won’t be there to observe Biden’s swearing in. I’m not surprised by that. Trump was hounded out of office by the hypocritical lynch-mob fueled by the self-righteousness driven by pure political greed mainly by the news media.
If these past four years prove anything it is that America is no longer a democracy and you can’t just blame that on one side.
America has been transformed into a hypocrisy driven by a biased news media that bullies anyone who dares to challenge their lies. They have exercised unimaginable powers to actually silence the President of the United States, asserting dishonest claims of defending Democracy.
Everyone in America is equal, only some are more equal than others, based on political beliefs.
This isn’t really about Trump, who was at best a mediocre president with many faults and only some achievements. Most of Trump’s failures were due to his ineptness in office – despite his shoot-from-the-hip blather. His political skills were sloppy and easily exploited by a biased news media that hated him – he hated them, too
The media bias led to the empowerment of his foes who succeeded in a partisan impeachment, followed by an even more punitive impeachment just to drive home their hatred of him. The second impeachment included a few “Republicans” like Congressman Adam Kinzinger, a pathetic example and the worst kind of politician who seizes opportunity over principle for their own selfish gain.
Breaking from his party made Kinzinger an instant celebrity in the eyes of the media which until he stood up against Trump was despised by the media.
In today’s America, if you surrender to the tyranny of the majority, you will be rewarded.
Although Biden received the largest vote of any candidate for President of the United States, a major achievement by far that cannot be dismissed, Donald Trump won more votes than any other President in the nation’s history and those votes are solidly on his side.
Those voters know the media abused its powers to distort issues and spin morality.
The Lynch Mob on the Left won’t let America come together because that’s not what they want. They are out to destroy. They will shut you down if you speak against their injustice. Demonization in America is today the real new power.
What they won’t allow is a fair adjudication of any of the issues like those alleging voter fraud in the Nov. 3 elections. Anyone who claims there was fraud has been punished, silenced and vilified. They say the courts proved there was no fraud, but that’s not true. All they did was push aside the fraud claims refusing to allow evidentiary hearings.
A lawyer friend of mine expressed it succinctly recently, writing that claims that vote fraud allegations are “baseless” or have been “debunked” in the courts are factually not true. “Courts have declined to examine the allegations of fraud for ‘procedural’ reasons, and that includes the Supreme Court.”
Never has there been one story, he noted and I agree, in which the media fairly presented the vote fraud allegations.
Was “vote fraud” enough to overturn the election? I doubt it. Trump lost. But the media wouldn’t allow a fair examination of the claims. That denial allowed Twitter, Facebook and the new Social Media elites to silence the voice of the President of the United States without even a whimper from those who claim to be defenders of the Constitution.
The protests against Congress January 6 involved much violence, but only by a small segment of the larger protest gathering, a fact dismissed by the lynch mob media. The DC looters will be hunted down with a ferociousness that was missing from the drive to charge the looters who were a part of the protests this past summer.
America is divided and will remain divided for a long time to come. Politicians like Senator Chuck Schumer and his fawning blind with rage ilk will see to that.
I believe Joe Biden is sincere when he says he wants to bring this nation together. America certainly needs someone to bring this country together.
But the lynch mob news media, the extremist voices among the activists on the Left, and politicians drunk with power won’t let that happen.
The next four years will be far worse than the last four years, until someone satiates the “Lord of the Flies” who are in charge.
(Ray Hanania is an award winning columnist and former Chicago City Hall reporter. Read his columns here at SuburbanChicagoland.com every week and visit his writing hub at www.Hanania.com.)