Lipinski Foundation All American Eagles presents Patriotism Awards
The All American Eagles program is extremely proud and very happy to present to Jeffery J. Kranig the Eagle Head Award for countless acts of patriotic community involvement and unlimited devotion to our land of liberty and fortress of freedom.
The following are some of Mr. Kranig’s patriotic activities and achievements through the years in our land of the pilgrims’ pride:
Co-chairman of the Patriot’s weekend Sports Competition program for youth of the Clearing and Garfield Ridge Communities.
Chairman of the Patriots Weekend Parade; Co-chairman of fundraising for Patriots Weekend; Vice-president of the Clearing Civic League; Vice-president of the Clearing Industrial League.
Creator and chief fundraiser for the Clearing Memorial dedicated to the young men who gave their lives fighting communism in Vietnam.
Vice chairman of the Southwest Liberty Society dedicated to the recognition of individuals and organizations for their work in promoting Americanism.
Co-chairman and ticket coordinator for the American Cancer Society’s “Strike out Cancer” fundraising event at the Ford City Shopping Mall.
Assistant director of the Frontiersman Freedom Foundation, an organization committed to sponsoring, organizing, promoting and staging patriotic activities.
Fundraising chairman for the Village of Justice EthnicFest.
Along with former Mayor Melvin D. VanAllen and Clerk Kathy Svoboda, he planned, organized, and presented a magnificent celebration of Americanism dedicated to our men and women in service. This four-day celebration included athletic, cultural, educational events and culminated with a parade.
He has been honored for his service and dedication to the order of Alhambra, Garfield Ridge Kiwanis Club, Lyons Township Assessor, Bridgeview Lyons Club, American Legion Post 1272, American cancer society, and the Bridgeview and Justice Emergency Management agency.
He was named Veteran of the Year 2013 by the Lyons Club of Bridgeview.
His vision, inspiration, and dedication in creating the Bridgeview Justice Veterans celebration event dinner would not have been possible without him.
My Betsy Ross Flag is flying high. My tri-corner hat is off. And my trusty old colonial musket is raised in salute to Mr. Jeff Kranig for his positive Americanism and for his incalculable contributions to America and his communities.
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