Thank a Veteran this week and every week
Thank a Veteran this week and every week along with our Constitution that gives us the right to vote and enjoy freedom
By Jerry Field
All this week there are many events you can attend for Veterans week. Most are free in almost every community in the entire State of Illinois, and in local communities. There are patriotic gatherings that are celebrated with a blessing we live in the United State of America.
Of the many major celebrations taking place on Sunday, November 11, at 11 AM. A major celebration of Veterans Day will be at the Jesse Brown VA Hospital at 820 South Damen Chicago; with similar celebrations at Hines VA Hospital, Hines IL and North Chicago VA Hospital. This is an excellent opportunity to meet and greet other Veterans, catch up on new services and benefits from the VA. The Patriotic Shops in the VA Hospital has special pricing on Veterans clothing and useful items.
Using VA health care just became a little healthier if you have a cell phone or a computer. If you are without an updated electronic device, the VA locations have a computer room where you can learn to use a computer and cell phone operations and apps. If you are up to date on the Internet here’s the addressed: tutorial is You can access video appointment by logging into Veterans who are enrolled in the new program can us click on myhealhVet. After signing in.
One of the many reasons for joining one of the major Veterans organizations is to be current on benefits and services as they become updated and available. Just a few months ago Survivors” and Dependent’s benefits were changed. Contact your Veteran Service Officer (VSO), or visit a VSO when you visit VA Medical Centers.
Agent Orange continues to be a major VA health issue. Agent Orange has been found in second and third generations of military who served in or near Vietnam. It has been seen in Navy and Air Force Military that may have contracted the illness just by being in the area. It’s believed Agent Orange does not to dissipate over time.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has drafted a proposal to extend dental benefits for all Military currently under the VA medical program. At the moment Sanders is the only sponsor of the Bill. Major Veteran’s groups are calling and writing letters of support. You can call your local Senator or Congressperson to express your support for the Dental Bill. Congressman Hultgren is in support of passing HR 4556 addressing dental care for Veterans.
As of March 16, 2016 it is illegal in Chicago to discriminate against veterans, active duty military
personnel, members of a reserve, and members of the Illinois National Guard. Can Illinois be far behind? This new law also covers also former members of the Military in hiring or promotions. A community college in Illinois has discriminated against Veterans who fall under the SURUS ‘umbrella’ established by the Illinois legislature. The ‘umbrella’ clearly states that any SURUS retiree who draws less than $10,000 in SURUS funds and has a salary cap not to exceed a specific amount can continue to be employed by any states agency or college.
(Veteran’s Columnist Dr. Jerry Field is the commander of the JWV Veteran Post 710. He can be reached by email at and share your veterans event information. The column deadline is Thursday before the week of your event.)
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