Pelosi is going to ensure Trump’s re-election
President Donald Trump isn’t the greatest president and he has certainly embraced some controversial policies that have made him the focus of criticism from Democrats and the biased mainstream news media. But the more that Trump is attacked viciously and unfairly by the Democrats and the news media, including the biased entertainment TV media, the more that his supporters will rally around him. They see the corruption of the Democratic Party and the news media’s biased coverage more of a concern than disagreements they might have with Trumps rhetoric and policies. Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s call to impeach Trump will only reenforce Trump’s cover base guaranteeing his re-election
By Ray Hanania
If the Democrats wanted to beat President Donald Trump in the 2020 election, all they have to do is come up with a plan to secure the country’s borders and reimpose security on our open immigration system.
The failure of our immigration system is one of the key issues driving Trump’s support. Our immigration system is broken and it has been for several decades. The wrong people are coming into the country illegally, like drug dealers, criminals and thugs, along with immigrants who genuinely want to become American citizens.
The truth is the Democrats were just as bad to immigrants as Trump. The difference is the Democrats used sugar-coated rhetoric to enforce their crackdown and detentions of illegal immigrants, detaining children at the border long before that became a problem on Trump’s shoulders.
Just ask former President Barack Obama, who expelled more illegal immigrants than anyone.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi knows that there is no solution to the immigration problem except enforcement and tightening our borders. No one should be allowed to enter this country illegally and then benefit from our failed health systems and overburdened social services.
So, Pelosi has decided to do what other Liberals have done. Instead of addressing the real issues, like immigration – the Democrats control the House now — they instead confront the fake political issues they hope will win them the White House.
Which is why they are now talking about impeachment, instead of immigration. They don’t want to talk about immigration because they don’t have any answers for it.
Impeachment rallies their supporters, who have been blinded by false promises that someone if we just got rid of Trump, all our problems would be solved. Well, they didn’t solve all our problems with Bill Clinton was president for eight years, or when Obama was president for eight years. They did nothing when George Bush was president, in between, either.
Pelosi resisted for a long time, maybe recognizing that her liberally-heavy coalition is dysfunctional when it comes to solving America’s real problens. And now she’s leading the charge on impeachment.
But I will tell you want impeachment is really going to do.
Whether Trump gets impeached or not is irrelevant. The Liberals who shove it down the throats of the House but they can’t take it to the Senate where impeachment proceedings can result in the expulsion of a president.
But they think it has a political benefit, once again making another major mistake.
All the impeachment debate is going to do is reinforce Trump’s voter base. His voters have been circling the wagons against a one-sided, biased onslaught from the liberals and the biased mainstream national news media. Trump’s supporters haven’t had a chance to weigh the reality of Trump’s presidency. He’s good in some areas and not so good in others. He has some great goals but not being a politicians, his loud, unregulated mouth usually exposes him to ridicule which the Left takes to the extreme in a way they have never done so for any other president.
As long as the Democrats avoid addressing the real issues and stoke the hatred against Trump, beating the drum of impeachment, Trump is going to win re-election hands down.
Nothing the Left does can make either Joe Biden or Elizabeth Warren good candidates for president.
If the Left really wanted to beat Trump, instead of screaming about impeachment to create biased, one-sided media headlines, they would instead focus on their own problems.
The Democrats do not have one strong candidate who can beat Trump. They should be looking for that person, but I’m not sure that person exists today. There are some good Democratic candidates, but they have been pushed down by the cliché candidate party favorites, Biden and Warren.
It all comes down to simple math, which I “learned me” in the deficient and failed Chicago Public Schools. Failed immigration policies, plus Impeachment, plus Biden Plus Warren equals only one thing: Trump’s re-election.
Trump has it in the bag. And no amount of one-sided hatred from the left or twisted mainstream news media coverage is going to change any of that.
Is this election, 2 + 2 will equal 5. The Left just doesn’t see it yet.
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