Veteran News & Events
By Jerry Field
During the coming week, there are scheduled several Vietnam events. Try and attend the riverside at State street walk in Chicago. It’s an all Chicago Presentation.
There are more than 31 events throughout Chicago and the suburbs. The conflict that was not lost by our armed forces still is a sore spot in our aggressive action to support democracy and freedom.
On Memorial Day, May 27thThe Vietnam Chicago Veterans will be laying a Wreath at the Chicago Vietnam Veteran Memorial at 11:00 a.m. at State and Wacker, Riverwalk level. There will be several guest speakers. The co-chairmen and founders of the event Roger Mc Gill and Carlos Salandosalso Veterans of the Vietnam conflict, are responsible for the placing the marble memorial and the annual wraith laying ceremonies three times a year, Veterans Day. Memorial Day and the yearly anniversary of the end of the Viet Nam conflict. Both McGill and Salandos will be in Washington DC for the national event.
This is the 15thyear Roget McGill and Carlos Salandos had conducted the wreath-laying ceremony event. In Chicago guests include Vietnam vet and former Alderman James Balcer.( Others to be announced as we get closer May 27 ( update scheduled for May 22).
Carlos Salandosand Roger McGill cofounders and Chairmen of the event.
After the wreath ceremony, the groups will assemble at the “Garage” on 6154 North Milwaukee Ave. Activities at from 1 PM to 6 PM Foodservice at 4:30. “Bernie Burger’s. Voluntarily donations are accepted for food, there will be raffle prizes and auction. All proceeds benefit all Veterans support activities during the year.
Officers: President Jim Mindakleaves the Presidency in June and Huey Adams will be president, Vice President, Dennis Anderson, Secretary Pat O’Brien
Vietnam Veteran Chapter (VVC) Chapter #242 next meeting is on May 14th, second Tuesday of the month at the White Eagle, North end of Building where there is plenty of parking, The VFW Post meets at 7:00 P.M. A reunion of many Veterans from all conflicts and wars are invited. The VFW Post opens at 5:30 to extend the celebration to renew friendships and plan the coming year’s Veterans support program. For more information email Roger McGill at
Vietnam Veterans of America Inc.Chapter242 will meet Tuesday Amy 14 at the while Eagle restaurant, 6839 N Milwaukee Ave., All Vietnam Vets are welcomed. There will be no meetings in July and August. Next newsletter September/ October.
Cook County Silver Star Program
Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle and the Board of Commissioners will honor the Silver Star Families of America at the Cook County Board Meeting on Wednesday, June 26, 2019. This event was initiated in 2008 to recognize the service members and veterans of the United States Armed Forces who have been wounded or became ill while serving in a war zone.
Cook County Veterans Affairs would like to invite those Cook County veterans or service members that qualify to participate in the 2019 Silver Star Banner Program. Applicants should complete the attached (fillable) Silver Star Service Banner request form and include a short biography with details regarding their injury and the war zone in which it occurred. The request form must be signed and returned to our office no later than Friday, May 24, 2019.
Cook County Veterans Affairs will forward all requests to the Silver Star Families of America Organization. To apply, service members must meet the following requirements: Any Armed Forces personnel either currently serving honorably or those who have served honorably from ANY war, who having served in a war zone, have been wounded by enemy action or who have been injured or contracted a serious illness that could be rated at least 10 percent disabled by the Department of Veterans Affairs. All wounds, injuries or illnesses must have originated in a war zone, including: Purple Heart recipients, victims of friendly fire, injured in a war zone, and those who suffer from PTS, TBI, Agent Orange Effects and Gulf War Syndrome.
Cook County Veterans Affairs is coordinating its efforts through various veteran services organizations and local governments. We look forward to the participation of qualified veterans at the Silver Star Service Banner Program. Please note those who cannot attend may still request a banner through the Silver Star Families of America.
We will call each applicant to confirm their participation with the Cook County Department of Veterans Affairs for the Silver Star program. Original photos submitted for use will be returned so please make sure the applicant’s name is on all pictures that are submitted. Service members may return their application back to You may also fax your application to (312) 603-4479. For questions, please contact Bill Browne at (312) 603-6423 |
TorequestaSilverStarServiceBannerforawoundedorillservicememberorveteran,pleasetypeorprintlegiblyand completelyfilloutthisform.ONE(1)FREE8.5”X14”ServiceBannerperrecipient.VeteransMUSTresidewithinCook County to participate in the June 26, 2019 Silver Service Banner Ceremony. This application must be completed and receivedbytheofficeofCookCountyDepartmentofVeteransAffairsnolaterthanMay24,2019.
Qualifications for the Silver Star Service Banner Program
Silver Star Families of America define a wounded service member as any Armed Forces personnel either currently serving honorably or those who have served honorably from ANY war, who having served in a war zone, have been wounded by enemy action or who have been injured or contracted a serious illness and could be rated at least 10 percent by the Department of Veterans Affairs. All wounds, injuries or illnesses must have originated in a war zone. This may include: Purple Heart recipients, victims of friendly fire, injured in a war zone, and those who suffer from PTSD, TBI, Agent Orange Effects and Gulf War Syndrome.
Fill out htis form
Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Rank: Branch: DateofCombatInjury/Illness: LocationofWarZone/country where injury and/or illness occurred:
Nature of injury/illness from combat/conflict zone:
Do you have an email address? If yes, Email address:
“IherebyauthorizetheSilverStarServiceBannerProgramphotographerandTheSilverStarFamiliesofAmerica(SSFOA) to use images without regard for reimbursement or acknowledgement. The photographs wil lbecome property of
The Silver Star Families of America organization to use at their discretion. ”The Cook County Department of Veterans Affairs will return all pictures submitted with application package to the SSFOA recipients.*
*By typing my name and date below, I am electronically signing my application.
Signature: Date:
Please send Silver Star Application, Short Biography and Pictures by USPS Mail, E-Mail, or Fax, to:
Cook County Department ofVeterans Affairs | Bureau of Administration Cook County Building Rm. 801 | 118 North Clark Street | Chicago, Illinois60602
E-Mail:| Fax: 312.603.4479
Toconfirmyourattendanceorformoreinformationregardingthe2019SilverStarBannerProgram, pleasecontactCookCountyVeteransAffairs:BillBrowneat312.603.6423
The Silver Star Families of America – – “Silver Star Shining for Sacrifice”
Honoring our combat wounded, injured, and ill troops and veterans from 2004-2019
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