The real outrage of the Jussie Smollett hoax
Most of the mainstream American news media got it wrong about Jussie Smollett. They were too eager to believe his lies about racism and homophobia because some issues are more important than others. But the worst int he media is Robin Roberts of Good Morning America on ABC TV who enabled and empowered Smollett to lie by offering a weak interview and never challenging the obvious flaws in his story.
By Ray Hanania
The moment that I heard that Empire actor Jussie Smollett had refused to provide police with all of his cell phone records, redacting large portions claiming he was protecting his privacy, I suspected there was something wrong with his story.
And then, when I saw the video image of the two men Smollett insisted were the suspects who attacked him, calling his racist and homophobic names, tying a rope around his neck as if to mimic a lynching, I knew this guy was a liar.
Worse, however, was that while all these obvious signs of deceit were obvious to me and others, Smollett was invited by his personal friend, ABC TV’s Robin Roberts on Good Morning America, the anti-Trump television network that spews out holier-than-thou blather from their fake Ivory Tower, to tell his story.
Roberts, who is African America and Gay like Smollett, was less of a reporter probing his amazing racist victimization and more of a complicit accomplice in his hoax. She threw softball question after softball question during the interview that offered very little facts but allowed Smollett to launch into his self-righteous indignation about how racist this country, how Trump was responsible, and how he refused to surrender to those who questioned what has since turned out to be a fabricated story.
The absolute worst moment in this outrageous tragedy and hoax on the morality of the American people was when his defenders began attacking the Chicago Police Department for daring to question the specifics of his story.
I watched as news discussion programs like WTTW Channel 11’s Chicago Tonight: The Week in Review, featured four panelists who all seemed to believe that the real problem in this fantastic Shakespearian tragedy are the Chicago Police. They actually blamed the police for doing their job, arguing during the program and mimicking the assertions of Gay activists, Trump haters, and the entitled minorities, that the police wasted resources in refusing to believe his story.
How the hell does the news media get away with all this?
If Jussie Smollett had been an outspoken advocate of President Trump, he would have been immediately denounced as a hoaxster. His story of having been attacked by racist African American homophobes who tied a noose around his neck would have been cast aside as ridiculous.
#JussieSmollett #Empire #Hoax #Racism #Homophobia All the signs were there for ABC TV #GMA Host #RobinRoberts to see the truth behind Smollett’s claims, but she didn’t look. Maybe on purpose because they are friends.
The hypocrisy of the extremist left and the privileged racist elites like Robin Roberts is boundless.
Smollett doesn’t deserve to be given any compassion for what he did. And in addition to his being punished and forced to pay a enormous fine, his acting career should go the way of the racist the media hated the most Roseanne Barr who was run out of Hollywood on a tar and feather railing.
Smollett’s defenders are accusing the police and others of a “rush to judgment,” turning this into an undeserved spectacle and of somehow using it all to demean African Americans, demean Gays, and demean those who seem to have the exclusive hold on victimization.
The real rush to judgment came from Smollett when he went on national TV with Roberts, and when Roberts used the interview to help empower Smollett to make his outrageous lies even bigger lies. Yes, Roberts is complicit in Smollett’s hoax because she sat there providing cover for Smollett and encouraging him to exaggerate and berate those who would dare to question his story. Smollett and Roberts fueled the rush to judgment that he was a victim.
As we now know, thanks only to the professionalism of the Chicago Police, Smollett is a liar. We know that thanks only to the professionalism of the Chicago Police who are victimized every day by street gang sympathizers who think that a police officer who faces life and death every day on Chicago’s violent streets has far less rights than a drugged up, armed street gang thug whose family didn’t want to waste any time on him until he was shot dead because of his own criminal actions.
Smollett doesn’t deserve any sympathy or compassion. He deserves a long jail sentence and a hefty fine. And Robin Roberts of ABC TV’s GMA should be punished, too. She should be fired from ABC for her lack of professionalism and for fueling this disgraceful spectacle.
But that’s not what will happen. Smollett will become a hero to the extreme left, regardless of his punishment, and Robin Roberts will continue to be one of the most biased media anchors on television craftily spewing her anti-Trump hate and her bias against anyone who dares to question racism of the Gay lifestyle.
Shame. Shame on all of them.
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