Recent articles about Veterans and Military Health Research
By Jerry Field Veteran and Military Reporter
Cook, Lake, DuPage and Kane, plus many other Illinois counties have a Veteran Assistance Program (VAP). If you need assistance bring your DD 214 to any of VAP near you.
There is no doubt that many of our Veterans have some degree off health situations. The VA is covering all known and many to be uncovered illness . Here’s a rundown of some medical situations offering information and often assistance.
MESOTHELIOMASERVING Those That SERVED Free Newsletter Compensation for Asbestos Exposure Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that primarily affects the lining of the lungs. Approximately 2,000 to 3,000 cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed each year in the United States. According to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), there are currently 25 million living veterans who have served in the Armed Forces; hundreds of thousands, if not millions of these living veterans were exposed to toxic asbestos-containing materials during military service.
The online Mesothelioma Center offers free assistance with filing VA claims and can make the process much easier.The Veterans Assistance department offers extensive experience in filing VA claims and can help any veteran coping with mesothelioma. When Seeking Compensation As is the case in practically all asbestos and mesothelioma lawsuits, a claim is filed against the manufacturers of asbestos products, not employers that used asbestos products without knowledge of the hazardous effects. Aside from filing a claim against the asbestos manufacturer responsible for exposure, ailing veterans do have the legal option to seek assistance through The U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs (VA). Veterans are permitted to apply for VA benefits for asbestos-related diseases, but illnesses such as mesothelioma are not always recognized by the VA as a “service-connected” medical condition, which makes it extremely difficult to claim and receive benefits. The resources at offer assistance, free of cost, to veterans applying for benefits. The Mesothelioma Center has knowledgeable veterans on staff that can make the process easier and help receive benefits from the VA system.
For more information, please call 800- 615-2270.
VA Benefits Established on March 15, 1989, the VA succeeded the Veterans Administration that was founded in 1930. The VA is a government-run benefit system created for U.S. military veterans, which is responsible for administering benefit programs to veterans, their families, and survivors of veterans (collectively encompassing 74.5 million potentially eligible individuals). Benefits offered to veterans include disability compensation, pension, life insurance, home loans, education, vocational rehabilitation, survivors’ benefits, and medical and burial benefits. This incredibly complex system comprises the second-largest federal department (after the Department of Defense).
Pension Insider By David Austin11/ 2018 Thanks to Davis Austin for the information
The following two programs are designed to help veterans save money, and time.
- The purpose of the Combat-Injured Veterans Tax Fairness Act allows for veterans who suffered combat injuries and who separated from the military under Honorable conditions, tax breaks. These veterans aren’t taxed on their lump sum disability benefits, or severance payments that they may receive. For veterans who receive lump sum benefits after January 17, 1991, they’re allowed additional time to claim a credit and refund on those taxes that they may have had in the past.
- The Post 9/11 G-I Bill is an education benefit for active duty service members and veterans, who served in active duty after September 10, 2001. Those veterans are eligible to collect, if they served 90 days on active duty after September 10, 2001, or were Honorably discharged from active duty for a service-related disability and served at least 30 days continuously after September 10, 2001. The Post 9/11 G-I Bill is not taxable, and does not need to be declared as part of a veterans income.
How To Track Your Claim Online
This versatile VA portal allows access to your disability claim or appeal information by signing in with your DS Logon, MyHealtheVet, or account. When you gain access to the portal you can click on a link that will allow access to one of these accounts (i.e., DS Logon, MyHealthVet or Claims and appeals that can be tracked includes disability compensation, veteran or survivor pension benefits, special monthly compensation, dependency and indemnity compensation, burial allowance, status of claims for VA health care, GI Bill or other education benefits, vocational rehabilitation and employment claims, home loan Certificate of Eligibility, Specially Adapted Housing or Special Housing Adaptation grant, life insurance and a pre-need determination of eligibility to be buried in a VA national cemetery.
If you have trouble gaining access to the VA portal contact your Veterans Service Officer (VSO) or veterans representative who can help you access the portal.
From the Washington VA
Print Out Your VA Welcome Kit
Whether you’re just getting out of the service or you’ve been a civilian for years now, the VA Welcome Kit can help guide you to the benefits and services you’ve earned.
Based on where you are in life, your VA benefits and services can support you in different ways. Keep your welcome kit handy so you can turn to it throughout your life—like when it’s time to go to school, get a job, buy a house, get health care, retire, or make plans for your care as you age.
Feel free to share this guide with friends or family members who need help with their benefits too. Download your VA Welcome Kit and print out copies for yourself and others:
Download your VA Welcome Kit in black and white.
Download your VA Welcome Kit in color.
Explore to learn about your benefits
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