Robert F. Kennedy calls to release all JFK files, making him great choice for president
American voters don’t have a great choice for president next year, so what can they do? Focus on an issue you support instead of on the faltering personalities. The other issue to consider is, who does the biased and racist mainstream news media hate the most. That candidate is probably the best choice. The mainstream news media and its partisan biases is America’s greatest threat
By Ray Hanania
Let’s be honest. The choices we have for president next year are very flawed. You can find many things you don’t like in each of the candidates.
Some voters will close their eyes to the flaws in order to vote “against” someone over some issue they don’t like, while others will vote “for” someone who has issues because of an issue they do like.
That’s our choice next year. It’s not even about the “lessor of two evils.” It’s not about the candidates. It is about the issues.
At some point you do have to decide what’s important to you. Is it saving Social Security and eliminating the “double tax” that Democrats support?
Is it a president who is so weak, like Joe Biden, that he can’t stand up to a foreign country and gives it $14 billion to continue the carnage of civilians in the Gaza Strip — 17,000 dead including 6,000 women and children — while ignoring the growing crisis in America from homelessness/migrants to weakening healthcare and rising inflation?
Is it a former president like Donald Trump who disrespects women, urged a “Muslim Ban” (that was exaggerated by the biased, racist news media — he banned 6 Muslim counties engaged in terror violence but did nothing to stop Muslims from coming into the US from the 44 other Muslim countries); and worse, who can’t stop saying stupid and petty things that distract from what’s important to Americans?
Or, do you throw away a vote for a Third Party candidate with a mixed message fighting an uphill battle against a political system that favors two-parties not three, like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who is also equally hated by the mainstream news media?
Seriously, look at the three contenders:
Former President Donald J. Trump’s campaign is in total disarray choked by his own inability to avoid pettiness, and by 91 politically driven indictments. And while his campaign is in disarray, consumed by the exaggerated indictments, the six other Republican contenders are even worse. Just want I predicted nine years ago, that Trump would destroy the Republican Party and throw the presidential election game board up in the air.
Is it better? Not yet.
President Joe Biden is the epitome of international dysfunction and, worse, hypocrisy and double standards. He is doing everything to protect his relationship with his corrupt son Hunter Biden. And you have to ask, is he running his administration, or, is it Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama?
And while Robert F. Kennedy Jr. carries a powerful name, members of his own family are attacking him because he questioned the nation’s COVID vaccination policies.
To me, the priority is to ask: who does the biased and racist mainstream news media hate the most and is trying to stop? Whomever the media hates the most is probably the candidate who is best overall, for this country.
The second priority is to look for an issue that is so important that you can forgo the failings of all of our failed leaders.
For me, Robert F. Kennedy is the best choice, if he had a chance to win, because he wants to do what no other politician has had the courage to do, release all of the files involving the assassination of John F. Kennedy in 1963.
Kennedy wrote recently: “Who killed President John F. Kennedy? The 1992 Kennedy Records Assassination Act mandated the release of all records related to the JFK assassination by 2017. Trump refused to release the records. Biden refused to release the records. What is so embarrassing that the CIA is afraid to show the American public 60 years later?”
The media hates Kennedy because he criticized the Coronavirus COVID vaccines, vaccinations that generated billions for the powerful pharma industry, which directs millions into the pockets of the elected politicians.
(Have you forgotten that the media doesn’t allow you to question the vaccines or the response to COVID without bullying you with namecalling? The Biased Mainstream News Media trashes issues they don’t agree with by trashing them under the cover of “Fact Checking.)
We never got the truth about the Kennedy Assassination. The more they suppress information the clearer it is the government is lying, and hiding something.
Are they still protecting Lyndon Baines Johnson and the anti-JFK Dallas police?
Was it the corrupt FBI Chief who hated JFK, J. Edgar Hoover, who failed to see the assassination plot or worse yet, was complicit?
Was it the Chicago Outfit (in New York the mobsters are called the Mafia and in Chicago they are the Outfit). Were they angered because JFK targeted them after they helped him get elected by stealing votes in Chicago.
Wow. Votes can be stolen in elections? I thought the news media says that is an outright blood libel lie!
Or was the assassination driven by the military industrial complex, the powers driving the Vietnam War, which JFK was planning to end. The War Machine stood to loos a lot of profits. Instead, America lost more than 66,000 American lives, after Kennedy was killed.
The conspiracy to protect the real killers is based on a belief that the American people are stupid and can be bullied. That’s motivation for almost all of the country’s bad policies, politicians and media failing to respect the legitimate concerns of the American people.
I may not agree with everything Trump did, but he is certainly better than Biden, who is covering up his son’s corruption and blurring profits he shared when he was vice president. (Joe Biden intentionally used several fake emails in order to manage the hundreds of millions the Biden family made from China, Ukraine and overseas.)
The biased news media has intentionally confused that issue so much in their reporting because Biden is “their boy,” even though he is not completely “there” at all!
But who cares about this country anyway, right?
We give billions of dollars to foreign countries that pour hundreds fo millions into the campaign coffers of Senators, Congressmen and Presidents, and we deplete our military arms stockpiles helping a foreign country massacre civilians. Ask why is Biden denouncing the “war crimes” in Sudan against civilians but practically silent about the war crimes Israel’s government is committing in Gaza against civilians. You don’t mow down civilians to get at the terrorists!
We claim to care about Senior Citizens, but we punish them with a double tax on Social Security, allowing the insurance industry to bludgeon them with confusing Medicare cost plans while pouring money into the pockets of the elected politicians who close their eyes to this injustice.
We close our eyes to the murder of sex maniac Jeffery Epstein in a New York prison, because he might have disclosed the names and actions of all the Washington powers who enjoy sexual with a coterie of underaged girls. Epstein’s list includes America’s most powerful politicians and corporate CEOs. Epstein was despicable. But what about ALL of the politicians, elected officials and celebrities who enjoyed his largesse?
At some point, you stand up, instead of hiding in the tall news media weeds, and you see the truth. You look past the powers who place their special interests above your own to see the truth.
You need to make decisions based on what’s best for you, not what is best for them.
Your vote should be about your concerns, not the concerns of others distorted and disguised by media complicity.
Don’t address these issues by calling me names. People who call me names do so because they can’t speak to the facts.
I don’t care. I am going to tell you exactly what I think, not what others want you to hear.
(Ray Hanania is an award winning former Chicago City Hall reporter. A political analyst and CEO of Urban Strategies Group, Hanania’s opinion columns on mainstream issues are published in the Southwest News Newspaper Group in the Des Plaines Valley News, Southwest News-Herald, The Regional News, The Reporter Newspapers. His Middle East columns are published in the Arab News. For more information on Ray Hanania visit or email him at
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