Right from the Middle: Now that the election is over, we need to bring America together
With Midterm elections nearly completed, it time that Americans start looking for more moderate voices to represent them in politics and avoid the far Right and the far Left. The polarization in American is destruction to the country
By William O. Lipinski
Now that the Midterm elections are over, Democrats, Conservatives, Republicans, Liberals, righty-wingers, Independents and Progressives must become Americans again.
We must unite, and be stronger than ever to oppose two very evil empires, China and Russia.
Both of these brutal, totalitarian empires are dedicated too controlling the world and stamping out freedom and democracy in every nation on earth.
Only the United States of America has the capacity to lead the forces of freedom worldwide to defeat these two evil empires, and only if we are united.
Other freedom loving nations on this planet will only follow us in this battle, if they see we are united.
We must defeat these evil empires on the economic battlefield, so this battle does not turn into Armageddon.
It will take a great deal of sacrifice on the part of every American citizen, and every freedom loving citizen of the world to stop both of these totalitarian empires.
If we don’t want our lives controlled by a totalitarian Central government, we must prevail in this battle.
By uniting we will create the forces that won the second world war, rebuilt Europe, prevail in the Cold War, and brought forth the highest standard of living ever seen on this earth.
I have some ideas on how we can unite, and becoming an unstoppable force to turn back these brutal totalitarian empires.
Put aside all differences between we Americans temporarily or permanently. It can be done, it must be done, we have so much more that unites us than divides us.
Every American must dedicate themselves to uniting every corner of this Land of the Free, and home of the Brave.
We must believe in God and practice what he taught us.
Practice the Golden rule, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Seek and practice the following qualities of character:
Strength – keeping oneself physically strong to defeat these very evil forces that are trying to destroy our way of life; the American Way.
Dedication – being committed to preserving freedom and democracy for all Americans and all citizens of the world and keeping unity as our number one priority.
Courage – having the ability to overcome different ideas amongst our fellow Americans and keep working together to achieve our number one goal preserving freedom and democracy in our Land of Liberty and around the world.
Integrity – having strong moral principles that will demonstrate to all, our commitment to the cause of unity, freedom, and democracy.
Having the patience and discipline needed in this monumental battle against the forces that wish to enslave the mind and body of all mankind.
Remember no nation has done more to advance the cause of mankind from the swamp to the stars, than our land of the Pilgrims Pride.
Individualism, personal responsibility, and the belief in God, is what has made this the greatest nation on earth and those qualities can be our greatest weapons in our battle against the evil empires.
But, our single greatest weapon in this titanic struggle will be the unity of the American people and freedom loving people around the world.
May God help in creating this unity.
Remember, only we, the American people, can rip our nation apart, by our stubbornness and our greed, thereby permitting the evil empires to prevail; and erase forever freedom and democracy from this earth.
(Share your views and email Bill Lipinski at BillLipinski@Hotmail.com. Visit www.BillLipinski.com to view all of his “Right from the Middle” columns.)
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