Orland Fire’s popular Coffee & Conversation resumes with virtual online meetings
The Orland Fire Protection District will resume the popular and monthly Coffee & Conversation monthly meetings for residents and especially seniors in the Fire District. The event is co-hosted by Aishling Companion Home Care and participation does require downloading an App to permit your access and reaching out to OFPD organizer Betsy Dine
Please join the Orland Fire Protection District for the resumption of their monthly and popular Coffee & Conversation series in which experts in senior issues discuss everything from home care, wills and health.
The next Coffee & Conversation will be held on May 28, 2020 from 10 AM until 11:30 AM using online computer technology. Each participate will be given a code to use the 3CX FREE APP for our virtual meeting.
The May 28 speaker is Gwendolyn Sterk, an attorney who will lead a discussion about “the second time around, unique Issues with Second Marriages.”
Ms. Sterk will navigate through unique concerns of seniors who are re-married. Dealing with children of the other spouse, clarifying where money will go in the event of death, determining who will provide care and have decision making authority in the event of illness or disability, and planning for retirement are all issues that must be discussed and determined. Blindly ignoring these issues can have grave consequences. This program will empower you to consider how to deal with and avoid complications that may arise by providing tools to utilize and food for thought.
The Coffees are co-sponsored by Aishling Companion Home Care, Inc., 13255 Southwest Highway, Suite 200, Orland Park.
Here is what to do to join the virtual Coffee & Conversation meetings:
- Download the free 3CX FREE APP to access the Coffee & Conversation sessions using your phone or computer beforehand. (You only need to download th eApp one time and you will be able to access all future virtual Coffee & Conversation meetings.)
- Register for the meeting and by emailing Elizabeth “Betsy” Dine, the Fire & Life Safety Education Coordinator for the Orland Fire Protection DIstrict at e.dine@orlandfire.org. Please provide your cell phone number and email address — your information will NOT be shared and will remain confidential.
- You can also call Betsy Dine at 708-873-2742 if you need assistance or information.
- You will be given a CODE which will be entered into the program when you connect to the Coffee & Conversation event.
As an attorney and Team Leader of our Family Law Group, Gwendolyn Sterk meets with potential clients and develops the initial strategy for each case by analyzing the needs of the client and assessing the most effective approach to accomplish their primary objectives and best interest.
Gwendolyn plays an integral role in every client’s case, and directs each team member according to specific client needs on a daily basis. Gwendolyn regularly appears in court conducting pretrials, hearings and trials. Gwendolyn’s goal is to have fully informed clients who understand their options. The relationship formed with each client is key to the success of the case.
Gwendolyn and the Family Law team believe in a holistic approach to servicing our clients and promote counseling for each in a manner that helps them move on with integrity and dignity. Gwendolyn successfully started her own law firm, Sterk Family Law Group in 2015.
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