SEIU Illinois State Council endorses Marie Newman for Congress
Days after rightwing extremist Keith Pekau announced he is running for the Republican nomination for Congress with the support of Tea Party fanatic Jeanne Ives, Congresswoman Marie Newman continued to rack up endorsements from the 6th District’s leading workers unions and municipal leaders. Newman faces Sean Casten in the Democratic Primary.
Congresswoman Marie Newman announced on Tuesday November 23, 2021 that she has received the endorsement of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Illinois State Council in her bid for re-election in Illinois’ new 6th Congressional District.
The SEIU Illinois State Council, comprised of SEIU Healthcare, Local 1, and Local 73, represents thousands of home care and child care providers, security officers, janitors, public employees, medical professionals, first responders and social service workers living and working in Illinois’ new 6th Congressional District.
“Congresswoman Marie Newman is a proven advocate for working men and women in Illinois,” said SEIU State Council President Tom Balanoff.
“I know that our members can always count on Congresswoman Newman to stand up for workers rights and fair wages. We are proud to endorse Congresswoman Newman for reelection in Illinois 6th Congressional District.”
“Bold policies aimed at expanding access to child care, home care, and long term care are investments in good union jobs. Congresswoman Newman understands that. She has been an unwavering champion for investments in our caregiving workforce, a workforce much like our membership that is majority women,” said SEIU HCII President Greg Kelley.
“Congresswoman Newman is fighting for an economy that works for everyone and has been an active partner in building a workforce that centers racial and gender equity.”
“Congresswoman Newman has stood in solidarity with our members on numerous occasions,” said SEIU Local 73 President Diane Palmer.
“Her support for working men and women is resolute and we know that she will never back down on the issues that matter to our membership. Congresswoman Newman stands for working families and is the best choice for labor in this race. We are proud to stand with her.”
“SEIU members have been on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, working in our hospitals, schools, and office buildings to keep this city and state functioning. These men and women have sacrificed greatly and they deserve tireless support in Washington as we continue the fight for safe and fair working conditions, better wages, and the right to organize. To receive their endorsement is a true honor and I hope to have the opportunity to continue fighting for my SEIU brothers and sisters in Congress,” said Congresswoman Marie Newman.
Congresswoman Marie Newman is running for re-election in Illinois’ New Sixth Congressional District (New IL-06). New IL-06 consists of six old congressional districts, however the plurality of New IL-06 residents, approximately 41%, are currently represented by Congresswoman Newman. By population, an additional 23% of New IL-06 comes from the old IL-06 and the remainder comes from four other congressional districts. The Democratic Primary is decided in Congresswoman Newman’s old district, with 47% of the Primary voters in 2020 coming from the old IL-03 in Cook County.
Since taking office in January, Newman has signed on to over 360 pieces of legislation and introduced or co-led 24 pieces of legislation, five of which have passed in the House.
In May of this year, Axios named Congresswoman Newman one of the top five most legislatively active freshmen in Congress.
Two major pieces of legislation that Congresswoman Newman led were incorporated into the bipartisan infrastructure package, including the All Station Accessibilty Program (ASAP) Act and the Rail Center for Excellence bill.
Congresswoman Newman has partnered with municipal leaders across her district to address local issues affecting constituents every day. Working across all levels of government, Congresswoman Newman has helped to alleviate traffic congestion due to road-rail train blockages, easing the burden on local commuters and first responders.
She has partnered with local officials to put pressure on the United States Postal Service, helping to improve service for constituents who rely on regular and timely mail delivery for medication, bills, and important communications.
Newman has convened colleagues at the local, state, and federal levels to identify critical local infrastructure needs and to secure the necessary resources to address them.
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