Cicero hosts Day of Prayer to fight street gangs
This is the 7th year of what has become an annual summer tradition for this “Day of Prayer in Cicero” which has helped bring the community together and succeed in overcoming the violence of street gangs.
Local church leaders and community members joined with the Town of Cicero’s Clergy Committee, Town President Larry Dominick and members of the Town of Cicero board of trustees, to take time out to lend their hand in prayer for the community, elected officials, police officers, firefighters, town members, seniors, and youth.
Over the years, violence has gone down around the community, as everyone that gathered prayed for the continued success that has been brought to this town, officials said.
(To view more photos or to keep up with the activities of the Town of Cicero, click here to visit the Town of Cicero’s Facebook Page.)
Cicero Town President Larry Dominick told the hundreds of residents who attended the “Day of Prayer” held on July 10, 2018 that the involvement of residents and the community together have been the key to defeating street gangs in the West Suburb.
“We have seen the presence of street gangs drop significantly and the violence by them has vanished with them. Prior to 2005 when I was elected we had more than 20 street gang killings, Last year and int he past decade we have averaged less than one a year and one is till too many deaths,” Dominick told the crowd.
“Cicero is safer today than it ever has been and it has a lot to do with our residents coming together, coming out of their homes, and standing up with police and government to tell the street gangs to leave. And they continue to leave.”
Cicero’s annual “Day of Prayer” ceremony was led by Cicero Chaplain Ismael Vargas, and attended by many leaders of local Cicero Churches and organizations.
“God has called us to be one, to become one. To come together and pray and make a difference in our community,” Vargas said at the opening of the meeting.
“It’s been truly a blessing because if you do a little bit of research, not every community has the opportunity to do this.”
President Dominick thanked Vargas and all the community leaders and attendees that gathered at the event.
“We will never separate church and state in this town as long as I’m here,” Dominick emphasized.
Dominick and all its town officials expressed appreciation for all of the community members for their hard work and dedication to make Cicero a better place to live.
Este es el séptimo año de lo que se ha convertido en una tradición anual de verano para este “Día de Oración en Cícero”. Líderes de iglesias locales y miembros de la comunidad se unieron al Comité Clero del Municipio de Cícero, al Presidente Municipal Larry Dominick y miembros del Consejo de Síndicos del Municipio de Cícero por tomarse su tiempo para ayudar a la comunidad, funcionarios electos, oficiales de la policía, bomberos, miembros del municipio, personas mayores y jóvenes.
A lo largo de los años, la violencia ha disminuido en torno a la comunidad, ya que todos los que se reunieron oraron por el éxito continuo que se ha traído a este municipio, dijeron las autoridades.
La ceremonia anual del “Día de oración” de Cícero fue dirigida por el capellán de Cícero, Ismael Vargas, y asistieron muchos líderes de las iglesias y organizaciones locales de Cícero.
“Dios nos ha llamado a ser uno, a volverse en uno. Para unirnos, orar y hacer una diferencia en nuestra comunidad “, dijo Vargas en la apertura de la reunión.
“Ha sido realmente una bendición porque si investigas un poco, no todas las comunidades tienen la oportunidad de hacer esto”.
El Presidente Dominick agradeció a Vargas y a todos los líderes de la comunidad y los asistentes que se reunieron al evento.
“Nunca separaremos la iglesia y el estado en este municipio mientras yo esté aquí”, enfatizó Dominick.
Dominick y todos los funcionarios del municipio expresaron su agradecimiento a todos los miembros de la comunidad por su arduo trabajo y dedicación para hacer de Cícero un lugar mejor para vivir.
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